Monday, August 6, 2012

Snowy, the cat

Once upon a time in a village called catsville, there lived a cat called Snowy. He was as white as snow and hence the name.
Snowy was always hungry. He was always eating. He ate so much that he became very fat. He looked like a white balloon with four legs and a tail sticking out. When he tried to walk he could only roll.
One day, he wanted to visit a Smoky who lived downhill. Snowy planned to walk, but all he could do was roll. When he started rolling, he couldn't stop. He rolled, rolled and rolled till he reached the bottom of the hill. Oh my God! Smoky was just a few minutes away from the top of the hill. Now Snowy had to climb uphill. He huffed and puffed as he rolled upwards. He tried his might not to roll down. Rolling upwards is definitely not easy. Finally he reached Smoky's house.
Smoky lived in a beautiful house with a huge garden. He opened the door when Snowy rang the bell. 
"Hello Smoky. I am so glad to see you. Can I have a glass of water?", Snowy said gasping for breath. 
Smoky got scared. He didn't recognize Snowy. 
"Do I know you?", he asked.
"Don't tell me you don't remember your childhood friend.", chided Snowy.
"My childhood friend? Who are you cat?" ,Smoky was confused.
"It's me, Snowy, your best buddy." Snowy said.
Snowy showed the black spots on his paws to Smoky. But when Snowy looked at himself in a mirror, he was shocked. What had happened? The chubby ball of fur was replaced by a skeleton of a cat. 
Snowy was hungry now. He ate his share of the lunch as well as Smoky's. He ate everything in Smoky's kitchen. Now Snowy was fat once again and he was happy.

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